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   Piscina con onde artificiali a Londra  
Pubblicato Giovedì 10 Gennaio 2008 Notizia Precedente ] [ Notizia Seguente ]

Piscina con onde artificiali a Londra
Venture Xtreme surf centre piscina con onde artificiali fino a 2m a Londra
- Giovedì 10 Gennaio 2008 - 13:04 -

Niente più corsa al pub dopo il lavoro. Per distrarsi dalla routine quotidiana e dallo stress metropolitano i londinesi dal 2011 si rilasseranno facendo surf. Ne sono certi i dirigenti della società britannica "Venture Xtreme" che sono in procinto di costruire il primo centro surfistico artificiale della capitale britannica. Il progetto sarà portato a termine a Silvertown Quays, nel quartiere delle Docklands, una ex zona portuale, che negli ultimi anni, grazie ai numerosi progetti di ammodernamento, sta diventando una delle zone più "cool" di Londra.

La struttura costerà circa 20 milioni di sterline e sarà circondata da un'ampia spiaggia artificiale. Una gigantesca cisterna raccoglierà circa 7.000 metri cubici di acqua dal Tamigi la quale, dopo essere stata depurata, verrà utilizzata per produrre onde alte circa due metri. Pagando 30 sterline all’ora, i surfisti potranno «cavalcare» ogni ora fino a 10 onde artificiali che dovrebbero essere molto simili a quelle che entusiasmano i turisti in Australia e in California. La struttura, ideata dall’amante di sport estremi Steve Jones, dovrebbe attrarre, secondo le stime dei dirigenti di “Venture Xtreme”, dai 100.000 ai 500.000 utenti all'anno. Solo l'anno scorso, infatti, secondo la British Surfing Association, quasi 250.000 britannici si sono diretti verso le coste meridionali dell'Inghilterra per fare surf. «In novantanove giorni su cento ai surfisti inglesi converrà venire qui piuttosto che andare a Devon o Cornwall - afferma Steve Nones al quotidiano inglese Guardian -. Nella nostra struttura, infatti, troveranno sempre onde perfette. Inoltre questo centro sarà il massimo anche per chi cerca di imparare le regole basilari del surf».

Naturalmente i puristi del surf storcono il naso e malignamente etichettano i fan delle onde artificiali «surfisti al cloro». Essi giustificano il loro scetticismo affermando che le onde artificiali prodotte da un' immensa cisterna non potranno mai ricreare la magia di luoghi incantati come quelli presenti in Polinesia o intorno alle spiagge californiane. «Lo possono anche chiamare surf, ma non è la stessa cosa - spiega Drew Kampion, editore della rivista The Surfer's Path -. Questa cisterna potrà produrre onde che saranno molto simili a quelle reali e permetterà alle persone d'imparare a domare le onde. Ma il 90% dei surfisti ama sentirsi un tutt'uno con gli elementi della natura e respirare gli ioni negativi presenti nell'aria marina. Sarà molto difficile riuscire a recuperare queste emozioni in un'onda artificiale».

Maggiori info:

The developers of the £1.5 billion Silvertown Quays development have released conceptual images of Venture Xtreme, a unique surf centre and extreme sports complex, the first project of its kind in the world, designed by Baca Architects. The surf centre is a conceptual project which may form part of the visitor attraction area at Silvertown Quays. If it goes ahead the surf centre will be located alongside the aquarium Biota! and will include London’s largest permanent outside beach and a surf pool with perfect waves all day every day!

Venture Xtreme Silvertown  

The Venture Xtreme surf centre proposals will spectacularly animate a large part of the former pontoon docks, bringing the water to life in an exciting and dynamic way sitting alongside markets, specialist sports shops, waterside restaurants and cafes.

Silvertown Quays Venture Xtreme complex will be built in two stages, the first being the outdoor facilities and surf centre followed by the indoor adventure centre.

The surf pool forms the centre of this outdoor experience, built into the existing dock. A series of ‘extreme’ structures and facilities draw upon the character of the rich industrial past to create iconic forms and public spaces. A giant 9m high wave tank doubles as a climbing wall and TV screen. Adjustable ‘crane’ lighting rigs illuminate the surf pool and the ‘silver sand’ beach. A beach bar, floating bistro, sports shops, and the indoor Venture Xtreme centre complete this unique urban sports experience.

The Silvertown surf centre will be a world first; a totally unique facility offering perfect surf waves 365 days a year. The finger docks in front and to the left of Biota! will be opened up to create the ’s first artificial surf experience. A specially designed enclosure, holding almost 7,000 cubic metres of clean, filtered and heated water forms the basis of this unique environment. Waves up to 1.8m high will roll 100 metres down the dock, before breaking on London’s first ‘silver sand’ beach in front of Biota! and a major public space known as the ‘Esplanade’.

The centre is expected to attract 100,000 surfers and body-boarders a year along with five times as many spectators. Waves of all shapes and sizes can be created for all levels of ability from total novice to professional surfer.

The perfect white sand beach will be 100m wide and up to 25m from front to back, giving enough space for over 200 swimmers, sunbathers and surfers. In the evenings it will be possible to rent fire pits for larger groups and barbeque areas as well as to just chill out on the beach with a drink from the bar. Beach bars, hammocks, palm trees and board walks all add to the atmosphere.

Surfing will operate through the summer, flood lit in the evenings to create a fantastic viewing spectacle. The waves will be over looked by spectators on the beach and in bars and restaurants wrapped around the arena.

A themed rock effect climbing wall, of 24m wide, 9 m deep and up to 12 m high, will be the largest outdoor wall in the country and offer over 50 climbing routes. On the front elevation, facing the beach and boardwalk will be a giant LED screen of over 100 square metres.

In the second phase of the Silvertown development, the lower floors of the major dockside site, immediately to the East of the aquarium, will house London’s first extreme sports complex, complimenting the surf centre in the dock and providing year round adventure facilities for the local residents, Londoners and those further a field.

  • an indoor wave rider (great fun for all, but it also allows surfers to learn or train before going out into the main pool),
  • a climbing wall, complimenting the outdoor facility,

  • a scuba dive tank,

  • ropes course,

  •  ice climbing wall,

  • children’s snow room

  • ice bar

In addition, further specialist retail units including a dive shop and general outdoor climbers shop will support these new sports areas. 

The indoor extreme sports zone will be linked by a bridge directly to the operations hub of the surf centre.

Committed to contemporary design and the creation of visionary and iconic buildings, the developments and associated outdoor activity areas will be carefully integrated into their environment and will complement the design standard of the entire Silvertown Quays development and of Biota!

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